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Happy Chuseok 2023!

My Dear Prince #CHAEUNWOO Happy Chuseok !

Keep Channing #차은우 !

My Dear Prince, have a perfect holiday! All the best to you, your family and everybody you love! Keep Channing my special guy! Take care of yourself! Rest for a while! Eat delicious food! Take good memories to your precious heart! To you all love!

Our Prince, post at ASTRO Official profile at Twitter:

행복한 연휴 보내세요~ 즐추

Have a happy holyday ~ Enjoy yourself

Tenha um feliz feriado ~ Aproveite

2 Kommentare

Gilza Barbosa ChaEunWoo
Gilza Barbosa ChaEunWoo
15. Okt. 2023

Você tem e terá o mérito do merecimento, suas Colheitas serão todas abençoadas Meu Príncipe que me faz feliz #채은우 #CHAEUNWOO

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Janete Silva
Janete Silva
29. Sept. 2023

Meu príncipe amado perfeito parabéns sucesso sempre 💙👑


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